Monday, 23 February 2015


Gentlemen! I don't think you heard me! The Empire has closed us down! Again!

Oh yes. Darth Crate got wind that I... that is, we... we were serving his younger brother Darth Not-So-Crate premium Jawa Juice WKD and it turns out he's underage!

Well, how was I to know? The young grow so fast these days... they just shoot up!

But not in that way!

I don't condone intravenous drug use!

Well, not on a Tuesday at any rate. I'm not Dannik Jerriko!

'Dannik! You are Fugly Bugly man! You ain't getting my soup!'
That's him told. Sigh. I suspect it might also be that little business with Sosio not indulging a three way with Darth Shirtless... she was heavily into Tork at the time, and he was heavily into her, if you catch my drift!

From a strictly personal point of view, I prefer Artoo Dildo, with his smooth and shiny dome. He can use his sensorscope on me anytime.

Goodness me, I can't stand about slagging people off. That's Sosio's job. What would you like? I'm waiting. When you tell me what you want to drink I'll put it in front of you then encourage you to sup faster so you can make a space for me to put another one there.

I said, I'm waiting!

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